カートを見る “The BLUE and the ABSTRACT UKE / Paul Hemmings”はカートに追加されました。

Fab 4 on 4 Strings / Beat-Lele ビートレレ2ndアルバム





★2018 Hawai’i’s Na Hoku Hanohano nominees Beat-Lele’s second album release★

1. I Want to Hold Your Hand
2. PS I Love You
3. I Feel Fine
4. Help!
5. Ticket to Ride
6. If I Needed Someone
7. Eleanor Rigby
8. Yellow Submarine
9. Taxman
10. Lucy in The Sky with Diamonds
11. Penny Lane
12. 0 Come Together
13. Octopus’ Garden
14. Because
15. Golden Slumber
16. Carry That Weight
17. The End
18. Her Majesty

Bonus Tracks

(Live at the Cavern Lounge, Liverpool, England,  in Aug.26, 2017)

19. Cavern Introduction

20. You Can’t Do That

21. I Should’ve Known Better

22. Boys

23. Twist & Shout
